Eyebrow Orientation

I no longer believe my eyebrow matchmaking theory and associated example matches and consider them to be a failed theory coupled with past incorrect divination, including I now consider episodic matchmaking and other base chakra area muscle click divination from late March 2003 to be probably incorrect. However the four orientation theory , arrived at not by divination but by logic, with corrections for transgendered and genetic hermaphrodites I currently (2004) believe could be correct, but again not most of the example matches from 1997--2005, including most early 4-orientation theory examples from then, but the 2004 updated theory I think could be correct but must be verified by research studies. But perhaps my guess that one in five people are fourth orinetation is a bit high, and it could be even that I am the only living fourth orientation person, or that the subset of women I am attracted to is not bisexual (but it does not correlate with societally defined beauty though it overlaps some with that).

Also it could be that orientation is eyebrow correlated, but my past system of correlation involving hundreds of supposed orientations is incorrect. Also just because I have had delusions before does not mean I cannot be correct sometimes especially since I should soon be out of my "wilderness" years (of avatar/Prophet/Buddha/Messenger/Messiah/Christ types).

For mystic-related stuff I am fairly confident will last see Salmon on the Thorns. For my home page, which includes a curriculum vitae, see David Dalton's e-Den.