Eyebrow theory, pokes

Beginning in the summer of 1997 I began to develop an eyebrow matchmaking theory with example matches generated during occasional periods of what I thought was matchmaking sensitivity. I generated the example matches through base chakra area (perineum) muscle click divination, which I have decided to never believe again. The theory got fairly complicated and I eventually labelled it a delusion and gave up on it in early May of 1999 partly

Another delusion I had for a while beginning in the fall of 1997 was that I could push change by crossing my left leg over my right leg and pushing through the front perineum. This I also labelled a delusion and gave up on in early May of 1999.

Beginning in the fall of 1998 I began having insomnia with invisible bum pokes and invisible forehead tendrils and also checking (e.g. of the fridge door to see if it is closed) and dictionary checking (checking a word, then checking the words in its definition and so on, sometimes for hours). At first I took sleeping pills and haloperidol and they helped some but then beginning early in 1999 I began taking olanzapine instead and after a while on that I labelled the eyebrow theory and front perineum pushing as delusions. Also the undesirable symptoms reduced to minor symptoms including a light invisible pressure on my head, occasional base chakra area muscle jerks (especially when I focus on the head pressure, and indeed whenever I focus my consciousness at all, even inside my own body, but for example if I visualized my feet extended into the earth), and occasional checking. Other minor symptoms that I have are a lower than usual for me reading speed and a lower than usual for me creativity, but those may have begun before the fall of 1998. When these minor symptoms disappear, which I think will be when I have my next waning crescent high (March 2005: I am no longer sure that that is the case, perhaps the waning crescent highs will not resume but the minor symptoms will still stop), I will believe that I am out of the low years and will discuss coming off the olanzapine with my psychiatrist but I will stay on the lithium. My not believing base chakra area muscle click divination and not attempting front perineum pushing of change and not drinking alcohol during waxing moon will help me avoid future delusions.

January 2003: I have come off olanzapine (but haven't yet had another waning crescent high) and the adverse symptoms such as invisible bum pokes have not returned.

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