Valentine's/Kundalini SParks

Summary: Valentine's Day, Stanley Park 
         Various mystic spark/buzz sensations
              the first during  Valakhilyasana  demonstration


Over the years, beginning in perhaps 1994, I have experienced in addition to the chi warming (sometimes cold fire) and tingling other effects such as throbbing/warming in fingertips or knuckles, of course the orca hot foot which I will describe later, and some spark/shock type effects. Some may say that these are just static sparks, but they have occurred in humid conditions when I am motionless and well away from metal, and concentrating on swirling chi with music or on a yoga pose, or sometimes just sensing the environment. Sensitivity increases after walking for twenty minutes.

The first spark occurred when my BC yoga teacher Gioia Irwin was demonstrating a pose where one leg is stretched back behind, one folded in front, and arms up and back, back arched. As she raised her forearms back I got zapped with a spark to the centre of the right forearm. Later, in another class, a milder one occurred when she was demonstrating a twist near the wall, to my right side ribs(?). Another occurred at the W.I.S.E. Lounge when I was standing near Reuvena Ross, and it didn't feel like a static one. Since I have returned to Newfoundland I have gotten sparked even more often, say three times to fingers at Lizband/Liz Pickard concerts, once near the end of the tune Mad Man Michael done by Tickle Harbour at The Ship, and a few other occasions.

On Valentine's Day, 1995, I went wandering, in loose creative lonely mode, through downtown, and began feeling effects near buildings, like dowsing or fengshui, perhaps. While walking along I think the Robson side of a West End terraced building that has a waterfall on the back I got a huge jolt to my right middle finger. Then I walked through Stanley Park, not visiting the orcas that time, in the snow and walked around the seawall (past the mermaid), munching on chocolate, swigging half a bottle of New Zealand Delegats red wine, and also munching on a golden apple (of the sun). Along the way I got one more significant spark, I forget where. Near the end someone had left two wonderful little snow dolls on a bench. I then went home and soaked in a hot bath with candles.

Another spark: At the Nettwerk Records 10th Anniversary Concert at The Vogue, during Sarah McLachlan's set I got a whoopee cushion type buzz on the base chakra. This is the only time this has happened. Other than that the night was strangely devoid of chi sensations, as if they had turned down the lowest EQ notch instead of up (the earth cavity resonant frequency or Om frequency is low, I think centred at about 7Hz(?)).

followup, after I checked BKS Iyengar's Light on Yoga:

I wrote above that "The first spark occurred when my BC yoga teacher Gioia Irwin was demonstrating a pose where one leg is stretched back behind, one folded in front, and arms up and back, back arched."

This was, I think, at first Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (pigeon inlet pose), but as the spark zapped me in the centre of the inner right forearm, she was in Valakhilyasana (a pose related to the "little messengers of the sun").

I forgot to mention the sparks out the back top of the head, a bit back of the point that would take the headstand weight, closer to where a bald spot is most likely to form first. This was during a reclining guided chakra visualization just before Savasana.

Once I had a strong warming stightly off the third eye during pranayama.

Another time when doing a chakra balancing, with left hand on top of right above the heart chakra, I got a buzz (not spark) on the right buttock. I got sparked in the same spot last winter at the local Wom/men Jammin' showcase when wall hanging (to my right) and admiring someone's ears. Some other effects are in my files, plus more detail on the fingers.

The spark during the instrumental at the end of (or after) the song Mad Man Michael was a strong zap to the crescent moon of the right thumb, where the cuticle rolls back.

second followup:

One more comment on the sparks: Several years ago I enquired about these sparks on several newsgroups (and about Kundalini) and on a mailing list. Someone (whose name I won't give since I don't have permission) on the mailing list replied with:

"after i emailed you earlier i randomly opened "Energies of Transformation:A guide to the Kundalini Process" by Bonnie Greenwell and found:

"aurobindo said that sparks or movements of light indicated the play of forces in or around consciousness..." p 57"

There may be something on sparks in the long biography/discussion of Aurobindo at Aurobindo. The last time I looked this was actually a 300 page book in one long HTML file, someone should help the author subdivide it into chapter1.html, chapter2.html,... since it takes ages to load. But it has some good stuff, and one can read the top part while the rest is loading. Still, a table of contents as the main page with links to chapter pages would be much better.

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