Tantric Aspects

In this section I will discuss the tantric merging of erotic and mystic in a healthy synthesis. Most of what is here is from earlier versions of the web page or posts to newsgroups but I will add some more comments after some research into tantric yoga, which is certainly much more than sex but does not separate sex and religion. Aug. 30, 2003: I was going to update this section a lot today but am going to put it off, but will eventually add more on my shakti buzzes, recent event stronger late night and morning erotic surges (I will have to research how to share such energies with women up close), my views on sexuality, compatability, orgasm and orientation, and stuff on figures such as Adonis, the German Sleeping Beauty hero, Kama, Solomon, The Iowa Dakota Salmon youth, the relationship of Finn and Oonagh, the relationship of Krishna and Radha, Chango Ashe, Dionysus, Pan and others. I may also reduce the emphasis on Sarah McLachlan below since while she was once very far ahead of all other women now she is only slightly ahead of quite a few other hot women in my mind and she may be the impossible dream who was once very near buying a near beer. Oh, I will also try to research past women religious figures and add notes on them here and in other sections, soon.

First, I believe that orgasms contribute to the awakening of the brain. I have had close to 4000 solitary orgasms from age 13 to age 39 and my academic average went up from 88 to 96 the year after my first, accidental (while washing) orgasm. However this may have been a coincidence. But I would like to see a study, perhaps of Mensa members, to find out if math marks are higher the earlier the age of first orgasm. Now (2002) I doubt there is any such correlation. But I believe that in my solitary orgasms, in which there is a tidal rush in the brain, perhaps I merge briefly with whoever I am thinking of and/or with the divine. Which divine? I am already part of God=u-all (all as a unit) as everyone is. Perhaps it is a merger with LOVE (who I define in the deities section) or with Cosma (who I define as the universe, which I define not as all but as space and its contents, oh wait, I am already part of Cosma too). I think it is a merger with LOVE and with whoever you are thinking of or are with, and if you are with someone you should be thinking of that someone.

In any case I think a number of orgasms contributes to Kundalini awakening. Some may say, aha that is proof that masturbation makes you go mad. I don't think so but think that madness (often referred to as demon attack on the mad person) seems to be a necessary step on the path to enlightenment that those such as Krishna, Gautama Siddharta, Jesus, Taliesin, Iowa Lakota Salmon youth, Moses and others followed on and which I am on, though I doubt I will ever reach enlightenment, unless the high which releases me from the low years can be said to be enlightenment. (I believe that a number of solitary orgasms is also a necessary part of such a path, but I don't believe the madness results from the solitary orgasms.) Such highs certainly feel like enlightenment but in future I will not attempt to answer numerous scientific and medical questions during the high but will attempt to write lyrics and other poetry and will relax and enjoy the high. Such highs contribute to regular creativity outside the high, though this creativity is low and/or misdirected during the low years.

In my brief readings on tantric Hinduism and on shakti and devi I think that Krishna was an avatar type and Radha a devi type and there was a fair bit of solitary long distance longing that went on before they got together. Now if I am an avatar type (Opener of the way, certainly human, not a living god) who is the corresponding devi type? I have a crush on singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan and she partly inspired my naked sun stare of 1991 so I think she is the corresponding devi type. However she is not fated to be with me but can choose her own romantic destiny and she is far away and not involved with me and I have little chance with her, despite signs of interest from her in 1995. Is she is not interested in me romantically I would still hope for friendship with her. If that is not possible I would be her fan and she would be a strong influence on me (a muse to me) and her music would help me get through any rough times. Since Sarah and I are not romantically involved then I might have to say that she is no longer the devi type, but that depends on my library research into devi types. Perhaps her being a muse to me qualifies her to be a devi type even if we are not romantically connected. Or perhaps some other woman who I will be romantically involved with in the future will be the devi type. And again when I say avatar type and devi type I mean humans, not living deities. Some past avatar types (e.g. Krishna) and devi types (e.g. Radha) have been deified but I think that has occurred after they have died, not during their lives, or that they didn't want such a title (deity) but their followers gave it to them anyway. But I don't think any human should be deified while he or she is alive. However after death humans I think become Valakhilya, energy beings based in the sun, mentioned in B.K.S. Iyengar's Light on Yoga, and I think these can be deified though I don't have any as deities to me. Some do, though, e.g. Krishna, Radha, Jesus. Others pray to angels and saints who I think are now Valakhilya. I might be wrong though. But I don't want a deity title even after I die and I suspect that Sarah McLachlan also doesn't want a deity title even after she dies (and may that be a long time away).

In early December, 2002 I resumed my crush on Sarah Mclachlan which I had given up on in May 2002, but if I have not heard from her by June 1, 2003 or after my next waning crescent high if that is later I will give up on the crush again. I will also give up on the crush if she tells me to, or if I fall for another woman.

Another avatar type and corresponding devi type other than Krishna and Radha are Gautama Siddharta and the village woman who, as depicted in the movie Little Buddha, gives him a rice bowl when he reaches enlightenment (or I think when he gets release from the low or ascetic years). I intend to do more research into these (Radha and that village woman) and other devi types since I think they are important in their own right and are also important influences on the avatar types (who I call Openers of the Way).

Once again I plan to do more library research into tantric yoga and its relation to Kundalini and into devis (influential women associated with past Openers of the way) and I will expand on this section after I do the library research (into tantric yoga, avatars, devis, shakti, more). Plus I believe there are past influential women religious figures such as the Lakota White Buffalo Woman who are not necessarily associated with a male Opener of the Way.

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